Universal Energy Institute Unlimited Universe Institute Affiliated to The Open International University for Complementary Medicines


With our method of Universal Energy we want to offer everyone a possibility to achieve a harmonization of mind, body and spirit. Through activating Tâm Điểm (TĐ) or Central Point to practice the breathing exercises and energy electrical transfer everyone can achieve better health, happiness, and spiritual development.
© Universal Energy Institute Berlin Deutschland

Universal Energy Healing

This mysterious energy source exiting in every one without recognizing. If anyone asks you: the vast universe contains what? In fact, it is made of something? How do we answer this? Truly every man is seen as a sub-universe in diminishing, in addition to the human shape was invisible form (nonphysical). But a few people could see the existence in this format. However, to obtain good health and clean mind we fully see the closely related among living organisms can be visible and invisible form. The universal potential program will guide your journey to reach the clarity and balance in all aspects of life.

Universal Energy Institute

Registered #16062 in Valdosta, Georgia 31601 USA Legend of the Dragon Holistic Health 1835 Norman DR C Grand Master Doctor Thanh Winter-Luong Ph.D (T.M) Doctor of Philosophy (Traditional Medicine) (Colombo) Doctor of Philosophy (Chiropractic) (Colombo) Doctor Universal Energy Healing (USA) 10. Dan Karate; 8. Dan Taekwondo Grand Master Kim ke Kung-Fu Email: info@kabudo.de Tel.: +49 157 8763 5198